
Monday, 19 December 2011

When the days are cold....

......and no brides are shopping...I make things!!

I was given rolls of knitted wire to make things with, which look like this:
15mm Knitted Wire Tube - Silver Plated
Not the most inspiring equipment that's for sure! After much stretching and pulling, rolling and twisting and several minutes of getting angry with the wire for not ending up looking very pretty this happened:

Knitted wire is my new found friend! It's so easy to make it retain its shape (once you've work out how to get it there in the first place!)

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Read and to be read...

For me Winter means 2 things predominantly: Snow (I am a total big kid, snowball fights, sledging and building snow....creatures a few years ago it was Totoro) and one hell of an excuse not to move from the sofa and a big fluffy blanket with a book. I have a rather random collection of reading material but thought I'd share a few favourites.

Anyone who likes a good historical treasure hunt and a game of chess should definitely head for this one!

Not as soppy as it sounds!

I have read all three of both these sets and wasn't disappointed by a single one which is rare for me!

To Read...
More of a wish list really, I'm one of those people who refuses to have e-books and so on, there's nothing like having a proper book in your hands rather than a piece of technology.

Fifty/Fifty on this one still, sequel to the Eight seems to have mixed reviews not sure if it's worth the risk of being disappointed when I love the Eight so much....

4th book in the Wicked Years series, I can't begin to explain how much of a good read these are, Wicked, Son of a Witch, A Lion Among Men kept me enthralled start to finish, they are the perfect alternative OZ.

That's about it for now I think...

Friday, 16 December 2011

BuyaPowa Addiction

Not only am I completely addicted to Ebay but my new found love is BuyaPowa, for those of you who haven't seen it, it's like online shopping but you can bring a friend! When you buy something you recommend a friend (or more) and those who recommend the most other buyers or who does it the fastest get's their item free! Even if you don't make it to the fastest spot you get a discount fro the retail price just for being a co-buyer! I resisted for a time but I cracked on the Urban Decay Brow Box:

It's really worth it, so easy to get neat defined eyebrows quickly and the wax makes sure they stay exactly where you want them too. Look out for a future post where I've taken before and after pics!

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Santa's Distress!

First Choice, home of all inclusive, have created a competition to fix Santa’s finances. To win an iPad 2 add your comment below and tell us how you think we can save Santa from financial ruin. Be sure to send an email with your comment to they can track your entry!
The Santa Bailout
This infographic was commissioned by First Choice.
Join the conversation on Twitter, #savesanta,
for the chance to win an iPad2.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

What I've Been Up To...

December seems to be a quieter month for wedding dress shopping so I've been having to keep myself busy at the shop making hair pieces so I thought I'd share a few creations on here!

These are just my own designs I've thought up but if anyone's got any ideas let me know or if you need one for a special occasion don't hesitate to ask!

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Diorshow Blackout Mascara

I am a constant eBay addict but occasionally it pays off when I grab a bargain such as the Diorshow Blackout Mascara for a mere £8!! I'm a bit tight when it comes to designer mascara especially if I haven't used it before but couldn't say no to trying this. When I'm at work I need something that I can just throw one layer on my lashes and I'm good to go as well as something I can layer up for bigger lashes if I'm going out.

This is the effect of one layer done in a hurry and I was pleasantly surprised!

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Esvie Magazine

I am very pleased to say that I am now a contributor for ESVIE Magazine! Please take a look at my first piece for them!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Colour and Gloss At Puro Hair, Birmingham

Back in September I was lucky enough to be one of the girls in the Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham to receive one of the promotional offers from Puro Hair (Salon Evolution). After much debate I went for my colour visit (C), there are 4 visits in total and I will keep you up to date as I take them! But anyway, one of the options in visit C was a colour gloss (haven't we all wondered how those TV adverts get that glossy look?)  And this is how it turned out!

You can see better when I'm brushing it just how shiny it now is! So pleased!

Sunday, 20 November 2011

New Make Up Website!

For anyone interested in make up is definitely worth a look as you can see what are the top sellers from each brand, and maybe get some ideas about what to try next! You might find something you hadn't thought of trying before!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Water Marbling for Nails - The Experiment!

When I was little I remember having a water marbling kit that came with paints, a big pot to work in and lots of white plastic things such as animals, bowls candles and so on. Then I started to see lots of posts from people on forums asking how this is done so I thought I'd give it a go!

The Kit:
A bowl you don't mind potentially ruining
2-4 Coloured Nail Varnishes
1 base coat
Q Tips
Cotton wool balls
Nail Varnish Remover
Tooth Picks

Now I'm not the tidiest of people to say the least so if you're anything like me make sure your work surface is covered or that you don't mind it getting messy!! First thing I did was clean my nails with nail varnish remover, shape my nails and wash them to make sure there was no oils or uneven surface to work on.
Then I added a base coat as some of the colours I'm using for the actual water marbling are quite dark and they might stain. So this is what I have now:

And now the fun part! Fill your bowl with lukewarm water (this will take several attempts to get the right temp for your nail varnishes to sit on the water and not sink or dry into a skin). As I mentioned this was an experiment so I tried two different ways of adding the varnishes to the water:

First I tried adding the nail varnish in random blobs all over the water and then I tried adding them all on top of one another. Then using the tooth pick drag the tip through the varnishes to mix them up, do a much or as little swirling as you like this is where every time you use water marbling for your nail it will be different.

This is the two different results I got:

Personally I prefer the second result, it was much bolder than the first and it seemed to last longer before the varnish started to dry out on me. You might get a whole hand done before it dries but if you don't just use a tooth pick to gather all the varnish off the water and start gain.

Now the tricky bit! You can either dive straight in nail downwards to get colour on (sometimes I found this way I picked up half of the nail varnish all at once) or as you see I've left gaps at the edge to get my hands in and lift up from under the varnish and get this :

Try not to get it as far up your fingers as I did!

Then with a q tip soaked in nail varnish remover quickly rub off all the extra varnish around your nail.

Sometimes it comes out a little messy but it's all practice!

Repeat for each nail!
Finally add a clear coat of polish if you want depending on the varnishes you've used. I didn't for these as they already had a shimmer.

I got loads of different effects from one batch so here's a few pics:

Happy water marbling!
I'll post any more experiments I do later on!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Midlands Fashion Designer Awards

The Midlands Fashion Designer Awards at Fazeley Studios in Birmingham was a night to remember. Designers, industry professionals and general fashion lovers were out in force to see all the talent that was on offer! I was lucky enough to attend with Elephtheria and this is what we saw!

Backstage with Elephtheria and one of her lovely models!

Here are a few more pics from the show too!

Would love any of the designers to get in touch so I can put your names to your pictures!

Monday, 14 November 2011

Much later than anticipated!

Ok I know it was a loooooong time ago but I have finally photographed my spoils from Fashion For Freedom! First up was the stunning dress from Gorgeous Couture!! As you can see it's far too long for me atm (I'm short yes and I'm wearing huge platforms under there too!) I am a bit of a magpie for shiney things so you can see why this made me extremely happy!

And then there was the pashmina from The Tie Rack too!!

Now I just need an occasion to wear them too!!

Saturday, 1 October 2011

The Importance of Experience!

Why can't so many graduates get paid jobs? BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO EXPERIENCE!! There is no reason an employer is going to take on a new graduate with 3 years of EDUCATION instead of someone with 3 years EXPERIENCE.
Take it from me when I look at writers for Offers Boutique I would rather take on the one who knows what they are writing about and has writing experience than someone who has a journalism degree and doesn't know maxi dresses from a Maxibon!

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

I've vanished!

As you can tell this poor blog has not been tended well. If it were a garden it would most certainly be awash with weeds. However! come visit me at my new window box full of flowers at and see what we have to offer!


Sunday, 24 July 2011

Fashion For Freedom!

What a night!! Now you have to excuse my terrible photographs being the dappy blonde that I am I left my camera at home before coming up to the Midlands this week for work, and it wasn't until halfway to London I realised! And so I shall only post a few dodgy iPhone pics and then when the lovely Syafiqua sends me some I shall post more! 

So here goes *cringe*

These two lovely ladies kicked off the evening with some belly dancing! All that sparkle and shimmying really got everyone worked up and ready for the show! I did get to briefly say hi to these girls and they were really wonderful ladies!
And then it was time for the catwalk show!! Now my fantastic phone has jumbled these all up so apologies for not giving you fantastic designers full credit immediately! Prepare for photographic onslaught:

Aren't they gorgeous outfits?!?1

A big well done to Syafiqua for all her hard work to make such a brilliant evening, and thanks to all the sponsors and donations that made it such fun.
With events like the raffle it made for an all round good evening and to top it off I won *the dress*!!!

Watch this space for an outfit post in the dress!!